Wednesday, February 11, 2009


StimuLESS: Total cost is around $800 Billion. About 40% is in the form of tax breaks/cuts (around $320 Billion). This will stimulate the economy if was actually given to the right people; you know the ones that would use it wisely. No one is talking about who these tax breaks/cuts are going to. Now for the “LESS” part of it. $480 Billion is being used to fund or start projects that will do very little if anything to stimulate anything (except alliance to the Democrat Party).

Further investigation shows it gets much worse.

The $480 Billion has to come from somewhere. It’s not Monopoly money. Obama wants to PRINT the money with nothing in the US Treasury to back it up.

In 2008 Americans are walking around with around $12 Trillion (in paper money, banks, stock, bonds, etc). When the President of “Change” prints all of that money that is exactly what every dollar will be worth, CHANGE!

How would you like for every dollar that you have and that you make to be worth less? It is simple math. Even a government educated (public school) graduate should be able to understand. If you have $12 Trillion in the system and you add $480 Billion in the system. Most people stop there because obviously that is A LOT more money. Half a Trillion More.

$12,000,000,000,000 +$480,000,000,000 =$12,480,000,000,000

This does mean more paper money circulating, but it is still worth the same amount of money. Remember we don’t have $480 Billion invested in the system just $480 Billion NEW Treasury Notes. Now we can do some more math. $12,480,000,000,000 is a 16% increase. We have to take all of the money and now divide it up so that it still equals about $12 Trillion.


Not only are the Democrats/Socialists going to waste our money; they are going to lower our ranking in the world market. Along with trashing our economy they will also trash our savings and incomes. If a retiree had saved up $100,000 after inflation its net worth will be around $84,000. Where did that $16,000 go? If you are in a household that brings in $3,000 a month, you will then be making the equivalent of $2,520! It will still be $3,000 in the bank but it will be worth less when you use it.

(Check my archives or research for yourself who else flooded unbacked money into an economy. His intentions were to destroy that economy. I will give you a hint: Hit_er )

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

NOVA "Everything is made of sound."

For those of you that don't know, NOVA is a show on PBS that is about science documentaries. I watched this episode exploring Einstein's string theory with today's scientific equipment and they discovered something amazing! I am a big fan of Einstein, String Theory and Documentaries so I listened to every word. "According to string theory, absolutely everything in the universe—all of the particles that make up matter and forces—is comprised of tiny vibrating fundamental strings." Here is a link with some visuals to go along with the theory.
Did you get all of that? I know right now it is mostly a theory still being worked on and not yet considered fact, but for those that believe in Creationism this would be even more scientific proof. The Bible states that God spoke the plants and animals into existence. Even if this theory was never proved to be fact I still belive and have faith that the Bible is true.

Einstein said, "There are two ways to live your life, one is as though
nothing is a miracle, the other is as though everything is a miracle."

Darwin's Black Box

If Darwin had access to today's scientific studies and equipment I don't think he would have come up with the same theories that he did 150 years ago. If he knew what we know now even at the High School level of Biology and the basics we are taught about DNA, I believe that he would laugh at his original theories of evolution. There are hundreds if not thousands of other examples of the flaws of the THEORY of evolution. The understanding of DNA has destroyed the last hope of the theory (or religion) of evolution.
It's like the whole world is flat theory taught in science and accepted as fact by all educated people just before they found out that the Earth is round. Even after the flat Earth theory was proven to be false many generations continued to believe in a flat Earth.
Back to evolution... It all comes down to a term called "Irreducible Complexity", a term originated by biochemist Michael Behe and explained in his book “Darwin’s Black Box: The Biochemical Challenge to Evolution,” which talks about how biological systems are infinitely too complex to have simply “evolved,” from the inanimate components percolating in some primordial pool of mud.
Behe explains that the odds are impossibly high of such a thing happening by chance, not mathematically improbable but actually ruled out mathematically because of the sheer number of mutations required, which would have to occur, in exactly the right order, at exactly the right time to construct the DNA for even such a simple organism as a bacterial flagellum which is nowhere near the additional amount of mutations to eventually form a fish.
I know that it is too much to ask you to read "Darwin's Black Box" available at any bookstore. I am not asking right now for anyone to believe in Creationism but I am asking you to at least relax your "infallible" beliefs in evolution. Evolution is holding on by a thread it is not the intricate tapestry that it once was. If scientist had something else to hold onto besides Creation they would have let go long ago.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Workers urged: Go home and multiply in Japan

Just yesterday I wrote about how low birthrates hurt the economy and today a report out of Japan says that they are asking employers to let their employees go home early a few times a week so that they can make babies. Here is the report!

TOKYO, Japan (CNN) -- Even before one reaches the front door of Canon's headquarters in Tokyo, one can sense the virtual stampede of employees pouring out of the building exactly at 5:30 p.m.
In a country where 12-hour workdays are common, the electronics giant has taken to letting its employees leave early twice a week for a rather unusual reason: to encourage them to have more babies.
"Canon has a very strong birth planning program," says the company's spokesman Hiroshi Yoshinaga. "Sending workers home early to be with their families is a part of it."
Japan in the midst of an unprecedented recession, so corporations are being asked to work toward fixing another major problem: the country's low birthrate. At 1.34, the birthrate is well below the 2.0 needed to maintain Japan's population, according to the country's Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare.
Keidanren, Japan's largest business group, with 1,300 major international corporations as members, has issued a plea to its members to let workers go home early to spend time with their families and help Japan with its pressing social problem.

Monday, January 26, 2009

$200+ Million in Condoms?

Democrats (and not just any Dem but Speaker of the House) wants to add at least $200 MILLION of taxpayers money to by CONDOMS! When asked "Are you sure about this?" she replied with a definite yes.

I don't know about stimulating the economy but I do know what it will stimulate! I couldn't help myself. It gives a whole new meaning to the term "Stimulus Package".

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi
boldly defended a move to add birth
control funding to the new economic
"stimulus" package, claiming "contraception
will reduce costs to the states
and to the federal government." Pelosi, the
mother of 5 children and 6
grandchildren, who once said, "Nothing in my life
will ever, ever compare to
being a mom," seemed to imply babies are somehow a
burden on the treasury.
The revelation came during an exchange Sunday morning on
STEPHANOPOULOS: Hundreds of millions of dollars to expand family planning
services. How is that stimulus?
PELOSI: Well, the family planning
services reduce cost. They reduce cost.
The states are in terrible fiscal
budget crises now and part of what we do for
children's health, education
and some of those elements are to help the states
meet their financial
needs. One of those - one of the initiatives you mentioned,
contraception, will reduce costs to the states and to the federal
STEPHANOPOULOS: So no apologies for that?
apologies. No. we have to deal with the consequences of the
downturn in our

I have some contradictory information about this and I have done the Math to prove it. Less babies born is not the answer. I know this has nothing to do with condoms but it does show how low birth rates are devistating. Regardless on what you believe about abortions the following is an aspect you probably never considered...

Abortion is more than medical or right to life.
There are plenty of posts about these kinds of things.
I would like to point out what should be obvious.
If we continue at this current rate it will affect all of us.



93% of all abortions occur for social reasons (i.e. the child is unwanted or inconvenient)
1% of all abortions occur because of rape or incest
6% of abortions occur because of potential health problems regarding either the mother or child

IN EUROPE they have aborted and reduced birth rate so much that they can no longer survive on their population anymore.
Europe had to immigrate millions of people into there population to stabilize there drop in birth rates.

UPDATE: The day after Nancy Pelosi says she wants to spend tax money on condoms, Democrats are talking about getting Obama to sneak it out of the legislation without letting her know. Obama and other supporters don't want the public looking into the stimulus package and seeing all of the waste and tripe. Pelosi is a very powerful person in Washington so everyone is afraid to just come out and say "No way".

Sunday, January 25, 2009

They Know Not What They Do.

Before I keep going on I want to let everyone know that I respect the President of the United States... I respect and pray for President Barrack H. Obama. I am politically opposed to most of his political views but not the person who is Obama. My primary angst is toward the media that is raising this man (that is in the equivalent of 2nd grade as far as a Presidential Candidate goes) to such a level of "Greatness" and "Historic" level that it made citizens that have never voted or cared about politics to register and actually vote. This same media influenced good people of this United States to believe in him as the savior of their country. Television news people raised the viewers into such a frenzy that marketers have found a new avenue... Barrack Obama T-Shirts, Tote Bags, Hats, Watches, Jewelry, Wallets, Children's Books, etc. This man that can do a great job of reading speeches (written and often plagiarized by other people), but he has almost no voting record and has told us very little details about his plans for change. All of this fervor and stardom for this man with a different epidermal pigmentation.

The following iformation was gathered after the election in which they found 500 people that voted for Obama and asked them questions and this is the results.
John Zogby recently polled 500 Obama voters,
55% of whom have a college degree and 90% of whom have a high-school diploma.
Zogby asked 12 multiple-choice questions.
A measly 2.4% got at least 11 correct, and a practically invisible .5% aced the questionnaire.
As for the rest, via Hot Air:
57.4 could NOT correctly say which party controls congress (50/50 shot just by guessing)
81.8 could NOT correctly say Joe Biden quit a previous campaign because of plagiarism (25% chance by guessing)
82.6 could NOT correctly say that Obama won his first election by getting opponents kicked off the ballot (25% chance by guessing)
88.4% could NOT correctly say that Obama said his policies would likely bankrupt the coal industry and make energy rates skyrocket (25% chance by guessing)
56.1 % could NOT correctly say Obama started his political career at the home of two former members of the Weather Underground (25% chance by guessing).
And yet…..Only 13.7% failed to identify Palin as the person their party spent $150,000 in clothes
Only 6.2% failed to identify Palin as the one with a pregnant teenage daughter,
And 86.9 % thought that Palin said that she could see Russia from her “house,” even though that was Tina Fey who said that!!

Obama supporters get their information from quick sound bites from the media. They listened to and followed like sheep the mission of the media... "Get Obama elected as President. Be a part of History. Don't let it be said that you did NOT vote for the first Black President".

God Save the Republic (More on that later).

Quotes about and from Obama

Quotes about the "Promised One"

Chris Matthews says that while listening to Obama, “I felt this thrill going up my leg!”

"Some princes are born in palaces. Some are born in mangers. But a few are born in the imagination, out of scraps of history and hope." — Time’s Nancy Gibbs for a cover story.

From Camelot to Obamalot "Today, [Obama] had his rendezvous with destiny....Obama is now an adopted son of Camelot. His candidacy blessed not just by the Lion of the Senate, patriarch of the clan, but by JFK’s daughter." — David Wright on ABC’s Nightline.

"When NBC News first assigned me to the Barack Obama campaign, I must confess my knees quaked a bit.... I wondered if I was up to the job. I wondered if I could do the campaign justice." NBC reporter Lee Cowan.

Here are some quotes from the "Promised One"

"I cannot swallow whole the view of Lincoln as the Great Emancipator." Barack Obama

"Money is not the only answer, but it makes a difference." Barack Obama

"No one is pro-abortion." Barack Obama (He is Pro-Abortion)

"Over the last 15 months, we've traveled to every corner of the United States. I've now been in 57 states? I think one left to go." Barack Obama (are we sure he can run all 57 or 58 states)

"People of Berlin - people of the world - this is our moment. This is our time." Barack Obama (is he running for President of the World)

Some more “interesting” blogs at the official Barack Obama campaign web site:

Barack Obama : : Change We Can Believe In


Socialists for Obama: An open letter to our next president Barack Obama

Marxists/Socialists/Communists for Obama

The People of Palestine Need a Bill of Rights too ...: The Israel Lobby: Bad for The World

Why does Sen. Obama have to deny his culture to be popular in the U.S.?: Aren’t the Nation of Islam Followers American too?

miracle blog: Louis Farrakhan, Barack Obama and America